What a beautiful time of year!
We started out this birthday season with Esme's birthday in September, but that was a kid party and we weren't there. Then was my Dad's birthday on October 6! We had dinner all together.
Esme was didn't know I was coming for her . . .
The girls made a scavenger hunt for Grandpa!
"I will be where it reeks"
There were many giggles!
We also got our driveway resurfaced! This didn't need to be done in Arizona, but here it needs to be done every couple of years. We're learning!
Looks nice, too!
Then it was my birthday!
Jen sent me a BUNCH of lovely Louise Penny books!
Then we got together to pick out pumpkins (thanks to my parents' real estate agent's company).
We all found pumpkins!
Fall means interesting weather in Minnesota - fog, mist, rain, some snow . . . it's lovely!
I had a fun day of shopping with my Mom this day - and look! My Dad and I sort of match!
Our winged burning bush:
Greg and I had a bonfire.
Allistair was watching from inside the house:
Then it was MY birthday! I bought flowers for my parents as a gift for Parenthood Day (which I made up!) My birth make them into parents, so they deserve to celebrate, too.
I started out the day with a run in the foggy mist!
Then Greg and I went to a nature center we have never yet visited and it was GORGEOUS! I love Weather (fog, rain, snow, wind, rain . . . ) and it was a Weathery day!
Look at that view over the lake!
We walked through the falling leaves.
Then we came home and I made my (gluten-free and vegan!) birthday cake!
We went out for dinner with my parents to Urban Wok, a restaurant we haven't tried before.
But first, I got to open a present! It was a cute ceramic skunk who's been in the family forever! My Mom painted him in ceramics class many years ago and we inherited him recently. He got some damage in the move home to Minnesota, but my Dad fixed him!
Look at all the GF and V options!
The next day Greg and I picked up our nieces Cora and Esme and brought them over to our house for fun and hijinks.

We also made paper ghosties for the windows!
Though of course Esme made a cat instead.
Here's one above the front door - eek!
Here are some in the
Allistair enjoyed the paper, too.
Cora was a little under the weather, but she was cheerful and had plenty of down time.
She sagged a bit on the way home.
We accidentally wore almost the same outfit!
Blue pants, black and white striped sweaters, black boots, black puffer coats.
It's adorable!
And then October was over!
I hope yours was great, too!