Thursday, August 29, 2024

Switzerland Day 6: Back To Interlaken

We woke up in gorgeous beautiful Zermatt!

Greg and I heard the sheep bells and decided to go out investigating!

First we checked out the breakfast buffet.

They had soy yogurt and fruit salad that I could have - and orange juice!  I don't eat soy at home because it gives me horrible sharp joint pains, but once in a while on vacation, when it's what's available, I'll take it and be grateful.

Then we went out looking for the sheep!

We had to walk uphill a bit.

We found the sheep!

And there was even a shepherd!

Then the bells began to ring:

There's the town!

And there's the shepherd! With his dog!

More cute town:

While Greg and I were out wandering, my Mom and Dad enjoyed their fabulous view!

And then they visited the breakfast buffet, too.

Then they met us for some shop browsing.
My Mom was coming down with something (a cold? bad allergies?) and she was pushing pretty hard to get doing this morning.  But she wanted to get to the shops for sure because the Matterhorn was the most important part of the trip for her!

Bye, cute hotel!

Cute electric delivery truck:

In this postcard you can see the different alps and the routes to see them.

OR you could look at the map on these panties!

I did not bring home any edelweiss seeds, but I thought about it.

This was a statue to advertise a sportswear shop:

Back in the room to get all packed up and ready to go.
Here's what I wore on this day:

Lace pants, dotted blouse:

Interested in the light switches and outlets?  Here you go!

Then we headed to the train station.  We didn't want to linger in Zermatt (even though we DID want to linger!) because the trains get busier throughout the day and we knew we were going to need to transfer trains with our luggage.

Here's how SBB checks to make sure people have the right tickets:

There were always things to see!

The bathrooms are interesting, too!

We had quite a bit of room on this trip, which was lovely.

This cool building again!

Cute little town:

Switch trains!

And then we were back in Interlaken!
In order to get where we needed to go, we needed to go through Interlaken again.  Our other accommodations were not available for this date, so we chose a different place (and it was great!)

Our hotel was a bit far from the train station and we knew we needed to take the bus, so we left the majority of our luggage in lockers at the station.

It was hot, so three of us got some ice cream.

Then we took the bus to our hotel!

And there it is!

The hotel was cute and the landscaping was beautiful.

Checked in - look at how beautiful this hotel is!

Later, my parents celebrated their anniversary in this restaurant.

Our rooms were actually a private cottage in the garden!

Look at how pretty the door handles are!

These rooms were fabulous; they seemed/looked quite traditionally Swiss to us.

My parents' room:

The views were lovely, and it was much more rural, with farms around the location.

My Mom was happy to experience this different style of accommodation!

The paragliders landed in the field next to our hotel!

While my parents had a nice dinner at the fancy restaurant at our hotel, Greg and I ventured back into town for dinner at a restaurant that advertised a well-reviewed gluten-free menu!

We browsed around in town a bit, too.

I loved this wood-cut art.

A cute little dirndl.

A Swiss milk jug (this one might have been full of chocolate!):

Meanwhile, back at my parents':

Tired and sweaty and hot, but happy:

I bought a cute dangle tassels hat:

We got some groceries for morning:

Mini Muuh is very cute (even though I don't eat cheese):

I wanted to walk to find a church I remembered from my very first visit to Switzerland about 25 years ago.  We found the older part of town.

And there it was!!!

For more information about this OLD church, check out the church's website:

You can click on your browser at the top to translate, if you'd prefer!

The basics are that there was a small chapel built on the site soon after the village was founded (around 1279!)  The chapel burned down in the great town fire of 1471, at which point the church and tower were built.  Additional parts were added and updated over time.

And a beautiful graveyard right next to it:

We could tell that a rainstorm had started in the mountains:

We saw some swans in the river:

We wandered through some residential neighborhoods and saw this wooden sled!

I wanted to walk on the bridge, and we had to wind around quite a bit to find it. 

It was also a lock.

The water is beautiful glacial green:

By this time, it was raining.

Walking path:

The Aare river:

A creative fence:

Swiss flag:

My parents back in the restaurant:

Greg and I found our restaurant!

It was raining in the garden and it was lovely:

I got a fancy sparkling water:

"We cook with love in our kitchen"
"Welcome with love"

My delicious pizza!

Greg got a HUGE calzone:

We got packed up and headed out for some more wandering:

I picked up some more of my favorite chocolate!

We made it back and enjoyed our cute room:

New hat (bad lighting):

Cute pot holders I bought in Zermatt!

I loved these paintings!

I also bought this baseball style cap in Zermatt:

And that was the end of our day!

By the way, this history of Interlaken is fascinating!