I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day! Greg bought me flowers, and
they're gorgeous!
I especially love these lavender roses.
And these pale vanilla ones.
Turns out that Stephen thinks roses are a special tasty treat!
On Saturday, I did laundry and piled up the towels on the bed.
Two kittens got in them!
Matching eyes & towel!
So many whiskers!
(That's why we call Stephen "Eyebrows Mulligan")
The Mysterious Dot, Part 1
The Mysterious Dot, Part 2
Juvy sometimes waits at the front door . . . so we'll let her in!
On Monday, Juildeen didn't have school due to President's Day,
so I invited her and her Grandma over to make pizza.
Juildeen has learned how to "photo-bomb" -
she thinks it's hilarious!
It looks all fun, but there was a bit of a behavior kerfluffle after we ate our pizza, so
the day wasn't as fun overall as we had all hoped.
After they left, Greg & I did yardwork and it was lovely.
The weather was perfect for it - sunny with a light breeze.
Many of our cacti are blooming.
And our Chinese Elm trees are leafing out!
The weather was beautiful this whole week, and I saw these
tall and elegant palm trees at a conference I attended yesterday
as well as this perfect Hibiscus flower!
Today I wore this outfit and got some compliments.
dress: Calvin Klein sweater: Merona (Target) bag: Betsey Johnson |
shoes: Roxy |
Tomorrow is a shopping day with my Mom and my Auntie Deb, who's visiting for a week!
LOVE the beautiful flower pictures & of course the polka dot sweater...I know you will have fun shopping...