Found another dress that I want to wear every day!
Yes, it's from Ross.
It's by En Focus Studio and I believe it was $15.99
It's got a cute little toggle closure at the neck (which I folded down and left open),
a wide elastic waistband, and long slits from shoulder to elbow with
a tie at the elbow.
It is bright and cheery!
This ad popped up in my sidebar the other day, and it made me smile because even though the proportions are all wrong and this girl is extremely stretched out, this is the pattern I usually take with dressing!

How to dress like Christie:
1. Put on a colorful, patterned, knee-length dress with elbow-length sleeves or long sleeves.
2. Add a corduroy (or denim) jacket in one of the colors from the dress.
3. Add shoes and bag in one of the colors from the dress.
4. Add delicate jewelry in one of the colors from the dress.
TA-DA! Done!
This week I got some new video editing software, and I'm really proud of what I've been able to learn and do with it so far. Here's my most recent work video:
I realized I forgot to show you the gifts I bought for my volunteers on Easter Sunday.
For those of you who don't know, I run the 1:1 (special needs) program at our church,
and I have a team of other volunteers who work with me to make the church experience fun and inviting for students who need more support than typical programming can provide.
We also teach kids about God and work to help them get to know Jesus.
I like to remind them that what they are doing is IMPORTANT
and that I appreciate them.
I found cute little faux succulents at Michael's and bought a bunch of them.
I have a bunch around my house and patio, too, because I love them.
I found absolutely the perfect boxes at the Dollar Store (four for ONE DOLLAR!)
They had a beautiful shiny green scroll pattern and a little card that tied on with a ribbon.
Of course, I wrote with a metallic green pen, too!
and wrote us a special Resurrection Sunday wish ("hpeee eastr").
This little guy taking TWO friends to nap on the bed with him is pretty adorable, too!
Happy weekend!
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