I love autumn!
Look at Claude, the beautiful blessed cat!
She had to go to the vet today because of digestive problems. Everyone is always amazed about how healthy she is, considering that she's at least 16 years old. We're proud of her! And she's ever so pretty.
Everyone loves cuddling, so chilly weather is extra nice.
Stephen often forgets his tongue is sticking out, cute baby!
Allistair likes hot water bottles and snuggles. And we love him!
We finally have the storage units all assembled in my office! They offer a lot of room for toys and equipment, and I am very happy with them. They fit JUST RIGHT across that end of the room - yay! They're just what I was looking for. Now to get the rest of the room organized. . .
The boys don't mind if my office is a mess.
Neither does Claude.
The door in the main bathroom is one of those that continually closes itself, and that's where I normally stand when getting ready in the morning, so it bothers me. I decided to get a door stop. This brass duck (found on Etsy) is working great!
I decided after moving to a new state it was time to get my doctors all set up, and I decided it was time to build a relationship with a gastroenterologist in case I need one in the future. Of course with a history of Crohn's Disease and being over 45, the doctor wanted to do a colonoscopy. I was curious to see what, if anything, they would see in there, so I set it up.
3 days before: low-fiber diet. EW. Corn flakes are little bits of nothing. They are not fulling, not especially tasty . . . no breakfast was better than this breakfast.
Hibiscus tea is fine.
My Mom and I had a fun shopping trip during the 3 days.
Canned pears were on the list, and they hit the spot fairly well. At least they're a plant!
Potatoes, white rice, cooked veggies.
And then Gatorade with The Powder in it. I requested anti-nausea medication and it made a huge difference. The process of drinking the stuff was almost easy.
Second batch.
And then it was time for the procedure!
And guess what?! After 8 years of a nutrient-dense plant-based diet, there's NO SIGN of Crohn's anywhere in my colon!
The biopsy report came back a few days later, and even at the microscopic level they could see no sign of Crohn's! After 10 years of menacing me, it's gone! I'm sure if I returned to my old ways of eating and being over-busy, I could probably make it come back, but I'm GRATEFUL that I'm as healthy as I am!

I bought these beautiful earrings to celebrate and remember this answer to much prayer (vintage, from Etsy).

The day after the procedure, Greg and I headed up north to my parents' lake cabin to help out with some of the winter preparations.
We helped pull the pontoon out of the lake.
We helped pick the apples and pears off the trees.
What a blessing to be here in this beautiful idyllic place in my favorite season to do my favorite seasonal things - with my favorite people!
I made baked apples and Jillian made apple crumble from the fruit we picked.
There were tickles.
The next day, Greg and Mark worked on getting the dock out of the lake. It was stuck in the muck - yuck! Mark and Greg have nice waders (thanks, Dad!) and were very brave in the mud and COLD water!
The lake was shiny and beautiful.
HOORAY! They did it!
I was out watching, but I missed the end of Esme reading me "Pinocchio".
Dad was there, too, encouraging them and cheering them on.
I like wearing fall clothing. I was wearing jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, a hoodie, and a flannel over that. It was a cute outfit.
It was not even 60 degrees - perfect for fall!
Done with the waders for now.
Now that the dock was unstuck, Mark and Greg pulled it out with Mark's big truck winch.
It climbed up onto the grass.
And then it was time for lunch! Delicious.
SOMEONE (Greg) was poking me in the ribs during this photo:
And this one!
We headed home shortly after that, and that was the end of our lovely family weekend.
Although some more joy came when I framed the drawing Cora did of uncle Greg!
He's got stubble, he's holding his phone and his glasses in his hand while he reads on his phone. Well done, Cora!
It sits on my nightstand.
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