What is a "fauxday," you ask?
It is the day at the lake cabin where the whole family celebrates our birthdays at the same time! No one in our family has a summer birthday, but we celebrate anyway!
But first . . . breakfast!
Our morning started out with making Auntie Christie's smoothie!
Cora & Esme were eager to help.
Later in the morning, Grandma and Jillian made the special layered chocolate cake that Grandma has been making forever for birthdays.
Here's the whipped cream frosting!
A goodly amount accidentally gets in the girls' mouths.
And then chocolate frosting!
We went on a nice pontoon ride after the cake got done!

I got a lot of snuggles on the boat!
I tucked Cora's pretty braid into her sunglasses.
This is part of the family on one end of the boat:
Here's the other part of the family on the other end!
This is as close as we got to a family photo this year at the cabin.
I tried to take some selfies with Cora and Esme, and Cora decided to foil my plan by putting her hand in front of the camera!
So I put my hand in front of her face, too!
At one point, Cora declared that she wanted to get in the water RIGHT THERE to "swim". She went down the ladder to the waist, then got a smirk on her face. Jillian said, "Did you tell us you needed to swim just because you need to pee?!" Cora said, "Maybe!" and giggled. Hahahahahahaha!
Mark and Jillian were good sports and put the ladder in and out for her even though there's a potty onboard!
Esme was enjoying the sun:
Then I got to snuggle Esme a bit while Cora warmed up in the sun.
My with my parents:
Later, Greg and Esme played mancala. I think Esme might have made up the rules. . .
After lunch, we celebrated Fauxday!
The girls brought all the gifts out from the gift-hiding places (mostly in closets!)
We received very generous gifts and enjoyed our time as we always do!
I got to help Esme assemble this amazing bus for her Calico Critters!
It's true that I needed a bit of a nap at this point!
Mark was constantly fixing on things, blowing things up, and taking care of his people.
We love you, Mark!
He's a really good driver, too!
And he has a cute smirk and lovely dimples!
Jillian & Cora on the JetSki:
Esme with me:
Cute Esme!
I could see myself in her goggles!
We jumped off the boat into the water and played on the dockie. It is very cool!
It was a windy day and the waves kept pushing us further away from the boat. Thanks to Mark's vigilant eyes, we were escorted back safely. Look at the smiles on those girls! They love the water just like I do.
Esme got inside the rolled-up dockie!
After baths, it was getting dark, and the bus needed some lighting, so Esme used her new animal flashlights to light the night!
Dinner was yummy, of course!
I hate shepherd's pie with some corn chips.
I couldn't get everyone in the picture, so only my Dad's hands are visible and you can only see a teeny portion of Esme. I did the best I could!
And then the sun was setting.
Good night!