Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Stories From Physical Therapy

My Physical Therapy clinic is wonderful.

Not only are the therapists great, but the other patients (clients?) are inspiring.  I love talking to them because they are fascinating AND because it helps the the monotony and discouragement that comes sometimes when working hard to get better.  Here are some stories about my fellow regulars.

T is a man who has clearly spent a LOT of time in the gym.  His arm muscles are huge and well-decorated with swirling tribal-looking tattoos.  He wears a skull mask that is truly intimidating.  Though I admit that T is a bit opposing at first, being physically strong and muscled, this image is the opposite of his seriously soft-hearted and kind nature.  T is recovering from a foot and ankle injury that morphed into also affecting his leg, knee, and hip (as injuries tend to do).  He is my favorite compatriot because he continues to complement me on my positive attitude (even though many days I don't believe I actually have one!) and because he has surprised me so much with his life story.  First of all, he has a Master's degree in Biochemstry!  He married his wife young (I believe she was 18) and has at least one adult child.  He was a prison guard for many years back East and was injured in a prison riot.  He didn't get his injury addressed right away, and things got worse as his gait was affected.  He's been living here in Arizona now for 2 years, but he has been dealing with surgeries and recovery the entire time, so he hasn't been able to be active and enjoy this beautiful state.  (I have promised to share with him my recommendations for the best hikes!)  While he was recovering in the hospital from his most recent surgery, he developed a staph infection AND got COVID19.  He recovered from both and now is working HARD to regain his mobility.  This past week he was pushing hard and got queasy.  I happened to have stocked up my purse with hard candy and I was able to share with him.  This made me happy.  Right now, T is working on hip strengthening exercises and ankle range of motion exercises (most of which I have done or am currently doing!)

A is a young man with impressive calf muscles.  He typically wears a blue surgical mask, which are freely available in the lobby of the building the clinic shares.  He was injured during a sporting activity (basketball, I think) and he wants to be able to get back to being active.  He has long flowing hair that he pins up for PT.  He comes to physical therapy 3x/week even though he's more functional than I am.  When I asked him about this, he told me that his insurance is still paying through the end of the year, so even though he's been coming a long time, he's going to keep coming as often as possible so he can make the most improvement.  He does a lot of complex jumping (boing over the hoop, boing to the side, boing to the other side, leap up on top of the 2' tall cushion).  On Monday he ran forward the length of the room, then backward the length of the room over and over.  One time he fell, but he bounced back up and kept going.  That's a good role model!  A very much likes having friendly people around while he's doing his exercises.  The Monday of my birthday, I wasn't at PT at my usual time and neither were a lot of other regulars.  Apparently A registered his disapproval and told the therapists it was nicer when we were all there chatting with each other and encouraging each other.  He's right!

D is a woman who's working her way back from 2 knee replacements.  She wears a floral mask.  She moved to Arizona within the past year, though she and her husband have been spending some months in the winters here for years.  D's son (daughter?) and family live in Arizona and she has a young grandson she watches on Friday afternoons.  He's 2 (maybe 3) and has a lot of energy.  D said that sometimes she dozes a bit while he's playing nearby while pretending to still be awake.  PT is tiring!  D is excited to get out and investigate more of Arizona once she's able.  She is working on step ups and step downs, squats, and hip strength.  

I have found the other people recovering from injuries to be hard-working, kind, and encouraging.  I look forward to going to physical therapy not only because I continue to make progress, but also because the people there remind me of the value of KEEPING ON GOING.

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