Thursday, November 19, 2020

Walking With Cindy

Cindy and I decided that it was fairly safe to meet outside to walk once the weather cooled down.  The above photo does not show appropriate social distancing and I apologize for being a bad example of cautious care for myself and my community!  We mostly stayed far enough apart to not infect each other, and we definitely stayed far enough away from other people.  

We walked only three times before we had to stop because not only did a paraprofessional in Cindy's classroom test positive for COVID, but Cindy's housemate did, too.  The paraprofessional didn't get very sick, but Cindy's housemate did.  

Before this happened, we would walk through the grounds of the Gilbert Riparian Preserve and then to the canal.  There are lots of interesting animals!

The preserve fills a number of lakes up.  Sometimes a lake will be dry, sometimes it will be wet.  I don't understand their rotating plans, but it must make sense to them!  

We saw a cute squirrel:

This quail sat in the top of the tree and talked to us loudly.

There are a lot of ducks happily waddling around and playing in the water.

Here's a heron!

I find the crunch crunch crunch of the gravel path soothing and relaxing.

We walked along the canal for a good 1-2 miles and then turned around to go back the way we came.  When the weather is cool, there are quite a few walkers, joggers, and bikers.  I like seeing people out being active, and I'm grateful every day to be able to BE ACTIVE myself!

I hope you take some time today to enjoy nature's beauty around you.  Even if you're in the middle of a concrete jungle, LOOK UP!  The sky is there.

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