Sunday, June 13, 2021

California: Days 5 & 6+


On the weekend, we spent a lot of time at the beach and in the water.

After a nice breakfast on the balcony, of course!

The beach was busy, but there was plenty of ocean and plenty of fresh air for everyone!

The water was warmer than the air!

A car in front of our motel had carnations taped all over it.  Wedding related, maybe?

Sunday evening and Monday morning, I went for solo walks down to the beach.
I saw the Cottonwood Creek Watershed.

The creek comes under the street and under the sand of the beach through a big tube down to the ocean.

The pelicans flew over a bunch of times.  Perhaps they were hunting?

I enjoyed watching the silly seagulls.

Here are the bluffs from the beach at the bottom:

This guy was fishing and caught a sting ray on his hook (grrr).

I love the patterns the water makes in the sand.

Especially with the rocks!

The night before on my walk, I had heard a rhythmic "ting-ting" sound and assumed it was some kind of drum from the party that was going on around a bonfire on the beach.  In the morning, I discovered it was actually this!

Sunday morning dawned fresh and clear, with sunny skies!

Cindy and I watched our churches online together and were inspired.  Thank You, Jesus, for being an example for us and for loving us into wanting to be better people.

Then it was back to the beach for more time in the fresh air and the water!

The lifeguard was running down this little path delineated by traffic cones to jump into the water to swim through the waves out to people in the strong current zones to warn them to swim elsewhere.

The seagulls were fighting over a piece of palm frond:

Our hair was crazy when we got done in the water!

I think the sand in my hair looks pretty like glitter.

Later that evening, we walked back to Lazy Acres.  We saw this strange pineapple palm (I don't know what it's really called, but it looks like a pineapple growing out of a flat palm tree!)

Thank you, Lazy Acres, for the delicious food!

What a wonderful weekend!

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