Friday, September 11, 2015


When I left church on Sunday afternoon, the sky looked like this!

It was unusual and especially pretty.

Of course, Allistair is ALWAYS especially good-looking!

The weather the last few days has been cloudy and cooler; 
it's been in the 90s and low 100s.
I'm VERY excited for fall, as always.
It's my favorite season!
out my office window towards the street

Stephen doesn't care what the weather is as long as he can play with his mousies 
and get food and snuggles!

Juvy sleeps inside in the afternoons, and one day she was sleeping all wedged in, falling down sideways.

So sweet!

Sleeping baby . . . 

The corner of the great room with lots of books
and a Juvy!

A relaxing evening lately includes music provided by Greg,
cat snuggles,
and a book.

Hope you have a relaxing evening of your own planned!

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