Thursday, May 22, 2014

Getting Closer!

Our trip is getting close now!

I am planning to wear this dress on the plane . . . 

Mlle Gabrielle via Ross

I LOVE the colors!

It fits like this . . . 
(though this is not the same print and this girl is not me!)

I will carry this bag on the plane.  
This bag will fit inside my larger "personal item," and I will also have
a rolling travel suitcase that will go in the overhead bin.
no brand name - bought at Ross

I have been looking for lip products that are healthier than normal cosmetics (thanks to this whole non-GMO, organic kick I'm on!), and I found these at Whole Foods.
They are really nice and moisturizing, and they are beautiful colors!
They also seem to last a long time, surprisingly.

I got Twinkle and Smolder.

I also have been reading about how bad conventional perfumes are for us, and though I have LOVED my standby (Viva La Juicy Noir) since it came out (and its sister, Viva La Juice, before it), I decided it was time to make a switch.  At Whole Foods, I found these lovely Pacifica rollerball perfumes.  This one smells just like it says: mango + grapefruit!  It makes me feel spunky and clean.  They have a wide range and I highly recommend them.  Cheaper than my old friends, too . . . 

 I also bought this lotion . . . which has no sneaky chemicals, which has no GMOs, and which smells lovely (also, no petroleum, which Greg is allergic to).

Everyone Lotion for Everyone and Every Body, Citrus and Mint, 32 Fluid Ounce -1 each

All products are highly recommended!!!


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